Jews' Next Dor

Congregation Beth David's Young Adult Group for Jewish 20 & 30 Somethings

Archive for October 25th, 2011

Event: Volunteer Meeting

Posted by challahbackgirl on October 25, 2011

When: 8pm-10pm, Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where: Private Home in Mountain View, RSVP to for the address.

Please join Jews’ Next Dor for our next Volunteer Meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at 8pm. We are planning our events for the next several months and we need you! We’ll be trying a slightly different format this time. After a short brainstorming session, we will have mentors on hand to get you started with your event plans.

The Volunteer Meeting is your ticket to the inside scoop of what’s coming up and your chance to give back to the Jews’ Next Dor community. Plan a Shabbat Potluck, a Meet & Greet, a game night, or something that Jews’ Next Dor has never done before.

Jews’ Next Dor is entirely volunteer run — every event you have enjoyed before was made possible by someone like you stepping up and making it happen. Bring your ideas and your energy! Meetings are open to all! Bring your laptop if you can.

Contact with any questions.

Facebook Event

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